Martin Gijsen

After a university study in computer science, Martin Gijsen has been working as a test automation architect for 10 plus years. In early 1998, Martin became involved in test automation for unit testing. In late 1998, he was part of a project that started black box testing of telephony switches, which are large embedded systems. Martin has extensive experience working on extending the resulting test automation platform to cover more features of the switches. Martin also has experience automating the testing of diverse systems, including messaging systems (telecom and banking/payments), web services and GUI applications. Martin is interested in test automation for any kind of system. Martin is the Author of the Essential Test Automation Framework, and has presented at QWE, PSTT, ICSTEST and the Dutch Testing Day ('Nederlandse Testdag'), as well as customer conferences. Martin is a member of the Dutch Testing SIG TESTNET and is part of the working group for Model Based Testing within TESTNET.